gatekeeper image

I participate in a weekly MasterMInd group. We study the
Napoleon Hill classic, “Think and Grow Rich”.

Chapter 4 – Auto-suggestion
The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind

Hill states, “The actual performance of transmuting
DESIRE into money, involves the use of auto-suggestion
as an agency by which one may reach, and influence,
the subconscious mind.”

He lays out a 6-Step Formula to follow with consistency
and the FAITH of a “small child” to get satisfactory

The “Result” being to have power to influence our
subconscious mind and to program it to become the
“Master of my fate, and the Captain of my Soul”.

Well, that all sounds well and good, and I, like so
many others, eagerly and determinedly set out to
put this plan into action. My Desire and Faith is there.
I’ve written out my statement of intent and read it outloud
repeatedly, with emotion. I’ve visualized seeing myself
in possession of the money, etc. But the goals and plans
I penned have not materialized. Why?

I didn’t get past the Gatekeeper.

I couldn’t get past the Subconscious Mind. That part of me
that runs everything behind the scenes. That part of me
that is in place to see that life continues as I know it and
to protect me.

My life has a pattern based on past experiences and how
I chose to view them. Everything new that is introduced
into my experience is colored by the “safe” program. So
when I “consciously” (through will-power or determination)
try to do something new or different, ultimately, my
subconscious mind stops it because it is not in alignment
with my deep-seated beliefs.

Ah-ha, now I’m on to something. I’ve got to change those
limiting beliefs held by the Gatekeeper.

I’ve discovered that the Subconscious Mind is not logical
but operates on associative conditioning, or emotional
conditioning. So even though, logically, my conscious mind
knows I need to talk to X number of people a day, or make
X number of phone calls to clients, or send out X number of
invites, the gatekeeper reaches back in the files and
associates an unpleasant emotion to it, effectively stopping
the activity.

There is much frustration here.

Because the subconscious mind is emotional and not
logical, I must change the FEELINGS associated with the
activities that will take me to my dreams and desires.

Is it possible to change the emotions? Yes, I believe so.

I am in the process of changing my Gatekeeper’s “safety-net”.
By changing the way I respond to a particular situation or
experience, both physiologically and psychologically, I can
influence my subconscious mind. And because the
subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between reality
and imagination, I can rewrite the stories from my past to
align with the “new me”.

This is a work-in-progress, or should I say, “I” am a
work-in-progress. My future is bright and I am getting
better and better everyday in every way. ;~)

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