Hunger is the gap between your dream and your reality.

The bigger your hunger, the more this information is for you. If your dream and reality have become one (and you no longer have a dream), then this information is probably not for you. However, if you hunger for more out of life, the bigger the gap is between your reality and your dreams, the more important it is for you do to whatever it takes to grab on to this information.

Something very big is about to happen for the “hungriest” entrepreneurs.

That something is a revolution. A revolution in the way we do business, how network marketing/MLM is viewed around the world, and what kind of future we will build.

Together we can do more to help reverse the worldwide recession, and give people their dreams back than all of the government bailout packages combined. We can rebuild and re-energize the free enterprise system from the ground up — one individual at a time.

But to do this, we’re going to have to start a Revolution. We have to create a revolution in the way our business is done. We’ll have to educate our teams better and challenge ourselves to higher levels of leadership.

Regardless of what politicians do, they are not going to make a change in your personal economy. You and only you can change that. And if you don’t decide to change that, you’ll probably sink deeper and deeper into your own quicksand.

It takes discipline to keep your dream bigger than your reality. It takes courage to spell out things you are no longer willing to accept.

* I am no longer willing to accept this current lifestyle.
* I am no longer willing to accept the amount of stress I have in my life.
* I am no longer willing to accept constantly battling these bills and every time I think I have it in control, another one pops up.
* I am no longer willing to accept not being the hero to my spouse and children.

What’s on your list? What are you no longer willing to accept?

How big is the gap between your reality and your dreams?

You have a responsibility for you and your family to move in the direction of your dreams. Let’s make it happen together. Join me.

Get started by downloading the report…How to make Millionaire Money…

Terri Swinson

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